club name 1

Lawn Bowls is FUN, keeps you FIT and creates lasting FRIENDSHIPS 

100 Club Winners

The 100 Club winners for January 2025 are Russell Pendse £25.00,  Denise Williams £15.00 and Nigel Pendall £10.00.  Well done to you all and those that support us.

Match results

On Sunday 29th September we held our last match of the season which was the Captain v President teams and had a BBQ before we started. The BBQ was a great sucess with lots of our members and others attending it. A big thanks to Robert Trimmer for doing the cooking and the ladies in the kitchen , Flora, Denise Rogers, Angela and Pam McNeil. Thanks also to the barmen and others who helped out.  The match was held in rather cold conditions and we decided 12 ends was enough before we all got too cold. Thank you to all 36 who participated in the match and I look forward to you all putting your names down next year for our normal matches.   Have a good rest over the Winter.   John

Quiz Night 31st July

Another date for your diary.

The social committee is back in action, after the fantastic success of the recent race afternoon.

A Quiz Night will be held on Wednesday 31st July. There will be a Fish and Chip supper (or alternative) and the bar will be available as usual.

Even now massive stocks of beer and other drinks are being put on order.

The questions are being set by Roger Austin, who assures us it will not be at the level of Mastermind.  So, bring your little grey cells and enjoy another very friendly gathering.

Fuller details will follow shortly. 

Race Afternoon June 2024

From Your Racing Correspondent.

The going was firm on Sunday 9th June when the Chalfont St Giles race meeting was held, over the flat.

A near capacity crowd of almost fifty braved the unusually chilly weather to place bets on six horses in each of five races.  Oddly none of the horses appeared to have a rider so it must be assumed that they were all "down the pub".

After the third race the horses, all seemingly so cold they looked as though they could barely move and might even have been made of wood, let the crowd come into the warm for tea, sandwiches and cakes.  Tea ended with a raffle.

The chair of the club, and of the race meeting, thanked those involved in the organisation and running of the meeting.  They were Gill Wise, Jan and Andy Still, Pam McNeil, Sue Solomon, Pat Montgomery, Gill Pochetty, Jan Pendall and, at the back of the field, Jan Enderby.

The afternoon drew to a close and the crowd went home happy.

Finally I am pleased to report that none of the horses was injured. 

(See Gallery for a couple of photos).

Chelsea Pensioners

The photos are on the Gallery page called, Chelsea Pensioners.  Click on first one and they will appear larger, then press the arrow key to see them all and in sequence.

Phone Users

If using your phone to see the Match selections, Fixtures and Competitions etc., and you want to see them more easily, please hold the phone on its side in Landscape view.  The screen will come up alongside the headings without having to scroll down. Please advise using the Contact Us button if you have if any problems with this.

Tea & Cleaning Rota's

The various rotas for the 2024 summer season will now be found using the Rotas button on the left.

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