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Lawn Bowls is FUN, keeps you FIT and creates lasting FRIENDSHIPS 

Club History

The Club was formed in 1971, with the first official meeting held on the 30th May 1971.

The committee agreed that the club should be mixed and the membership to cost 50p a year. In June 1972 Mr E Weatherley presented the club with a competition cup, this was designated as a singles competition and was initiated immediately.

In 1975 our first chairman Frank Cox retired and the position was filled by Ted Buck.

In 1987 past president and chairman Doug Bygrave passed away, and Ted Buck moved out of the district. This position was filled by Bill Bowler who later became President when Mrs Shirley Taylor stepped down after many years in that position.

The club developed the current brick clubhouse over the early 2000's and it was opened in 2008.  It was paid for, and largely and literally built by members, and cost nearly £170,000.  The money was raised through various events, borrowed from Bowls England and via loans from members, many repayments generously being waived.   The club celebrated its 40th Anniversary in 2011.

Bill Bowler stepped down as President, and the mantle passed first to Norman Clare - another stalwart and previous Captain and Chairman, for the three years to 2015, before passing to Staff Burbridge.

Staff stepped down at the end of the 2019 season, and Past Secretary and Chairperson Anne Darbourne took on the role. Covid of course interfered from 2020 after which Mike Alderton became President and Mike Wise Chairman.  The current chair is Hazel Baker. 

For all the current club officers please use the yellow “Committee” button.

A planned visit by the Chelsea Pensioners for 2021 was cancelled due to Covid but they were able to visit in 2023.  The club will be sending a team to play at their rink in 2024.


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